Third Horizon

The world is complex. Change doesn’t have to be.

We live in times of accelerating complexity

Today’s leaders work in a super-charged environment of fast-paced change and high levels of uncertainty. Even in the midst of this chaos there are pathways forward; we just need different perspectives to find them. This is the world of complex problem solving.

There’s always a way forward

Research suggests that when confronted with a complex problem, the way we process information shifts and the potential for failure increases. The good news is that learning and employing complex problem solving skills can actually be quite simple.

Third Horizon

Leaders feel acute pressure to innovate and transform—to reach a third horizon

The field of future studies recognizes “three horizons.” The first horizon is the world of operations—taking care of today’s needs. The third is occupied by visionaries with their bold ideas for the future. The second is the realm of entrepreneurs, those who bridge the realities of today with the dreams of tomorrow.

Most leaders feel especially challenged by the imperative to manage today’s needs while ushering in a new future. Reaching the third horizon requires the skills and capabilities of all three horizons. This is a key element of complex problem solving: capitalizing on diverse perspectives and talents.

Our Approach

Our work is grounded in complexity science and informed by applied behavioral sciences and years of practical experience. We support leaders and groups to make sense of what they are seeing, filter out the noise, and take informed action to influence the conditions that shape change. Using dynamic, interactive processes to engage our clients, we make the complex simple, fun, and workable. We do this work with a deep sense of curiosity and creative exploration — all the while partnering with you to make concrete progress on your goals.

Let’s Work Together

We’re always looking for new opportunities. Please get in touch and one of our project managers will contact you about beginning the proposal process.